Unmasking the Silent Battle- Empowering Women to Conquer Breast Cancer

Unmasking Silent Battle- Empowering Women to Conquer Breast Cancer

Let’s understand what breast cancer is in simple words

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world; it affects women more than men. It originates from the cells of the breast and it occurs when cells from the breast grow abnormally and uncontrollably, forming a mass and forming cancer one of the biggest obstacles for a medical practitioner or an oncologist is that it can metastasize, which means it can transfer to other body organs.


One of the biggest myths of breast cancer is that it occurs only in women but the fact is it can also occur in men too.

We can classify breast cancer according to the place and where it metastasizes.

  • Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS): This is a non-invasive cancer with abnormal cells in the milk ducts, but it does not spread to other areas.
  • Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC): This is the most common type of breast cancer, where it starts in the milk ducts and spreads to the surrounding tissue.
  • Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC): This starts in the milk-producing lobules and spreads to the surrounding tissue.
  • Inflammatory Breast Cancer: This is a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer where the breast becomes red, swollen, and warm with no distinct lump; for example, Paget’s disease and metastatic breast cancer.

Let’s discuss the risk factors or the persons who are at risk of developing breast cancer.

  • Age: the risk of breast cancer is increased after menopause, i.e., in elderly females.
  • Genetics: family history is very important it contributes to the major risk of developing breast cancer. Genes that are responsible for breast cancer are BRCA1 and BRCA2.
  • Hormones: hormones like estrogen and progesterone increase the risk of breast cancer. Generally, women who have menarche at an early age, i.e., before the age of 12 years, or who develop menopause late, i.e., after the age of 55, have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Hormonal replacement therapy: the females who are on HRT have having increased risk of breast cancer.
  • Health Habits: Women who have bad health habits, i.e., alcohol consumption, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and heavy junk food (poor diet), are at increased risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Radiation exposure: women who have received radiation of the chest at an early age for the treatment of diseases are at higher risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Reproductive history: Women who have conceived after the age of 30 are generally at higher risk.
  • No Breastfeeding: women who do not breastfeed their children are at higher risk.

Symptoms of breast cancer        

  • Change in Breast Size or Shape
  • A lump in the breast or underarm is the most common symptom of breast cancer.
  • Skin changes like orange discoloration of the skin.
  • Nipple Changes like nipple discharge
  • Pain in nipple or breast tissue.
  • Visible Veins
  • Breast Rash

Remember, early detection of cancer is the key to survival

To detect early, the self-breast examination is very important. A woman should always do the self-breast examination. One of the best ways to do this is to stand in front of the mirror and see and note any visible changes in the breast, like the color of the skin and any lump or rash, etc.

Secondly, the woman should examine the individual breasts and armpits timely in a lying-down position and by touching and feeling the breast in a clockwise direction.

Read more: Pathology Blogs for Fmge and Neet PG Preparation


  • Mammography
  • Ultrasound
  • MRI
  • The genetic testing woman who has mutations in the family of BRCA1 and BRCA2.
  • Biopsy
  • Hormone receptor testing and HER2 testing.



  • Surgery is the first line of treatment in cases where the tumor is localized (it is present only in the breast). In this total removal of the breast, the tumor is removed (mastectomy), the part of the breast or surrounding tissue is removed, or the lump is removed (lumpectomy).
  • Radiation therapy: under these, high radiations are given to reduce the size of the tumor by killing the cancer cells.
  • Chemotherapy: In chemotherapy, drugs are used that reduce the size or limit the growth of cancer cells, and they can be used before or after the surgery. It is based on the oncologist’s judgment of what is better for the patient.
  • Hormonal therapy acts on hormone receptors and reduces the effect of hormones on cancer cells by reducing or blocking the actions of hormones on receptors.
  • Targeted therapy drugs act on HER2neu receptors.
  • Immunotherapy

Read more: Surgery Blogs for Fmge and Neet PG Preparation

Factors which prevent the cancer

  • Avoid alcohol
  • Encourage breastfeeding
  • Healthy diet
  • Avoid hormonal replacement therapy
  • Stay active and maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid unnecessary exposure to radiation and environmental pollutants.

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