What is tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculi. It spreads through the airways when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or spits. It usually affects the lungs mainly but it can affect other body parts also. TB is completely curable and preventable if medical treatment is taken on time.
Types of TB:
1. Latent TB: The person in whom latent tuberculosis has developed becomes infected with tubercle bacteria but the causal agent fails to cause an active illness. The patients showing latent TB may not have manifestations of the diseases and, therefore, will not be transmitting the bacteria to other people; however, his latent TB progresses into active and that is by reason of immunodeficiency so it needs to be even in latent treatment.
2. Active TB: It causes symptoms and can be transmitted to others. It requires medical treatment to treat it.
Symptoms of TB
The symptoms of TB can be very severe, especially in its active form. Symptoms can be:-
- Cough
- Fatigue
- Night Sweats
- Weight Loss
- Fever
- Chest Pain
- Loss of Appetite
In other instances, the disease can involve other organs. This results in symptoms depending on the organs infected, such as back pain (if the infection is to the spine), headache, or confusion (if it is to the brain).
Causes and Risk Factors
Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, several factors put some people at a higher risk of developing TB:
- Closeness to Infected Persons: TB is highly communicable, meaning people who are often with others who have active TB are more likely to get it.
- Weak immunity: Body-weakened immunity states, including HIV/AIDS, can lead to easy chances of having the TB person in addition to others. People taking medicine that weakens one’s immune, such as a chemotherapeutic regime or steroid users.
- Close proximal living spaces or inadequate ventilation: people, especially the confined cell users as well as shelter homeless, tend to have the diseases more.
- Aging: Age is a more significant risk factor for acquiring TB and is more common in both newborns and the elderly.
- Nutritional Malinger: Poorly nourished immunity may increase the risk
- Smoking
- Substance Abuse
- Diagnosis
Common tests for TB include: TST (Tuberculin skin test) Blood tests X-ray Sputum Test
Treatment of TB
- TB is curable. The treatment of TB includes antibiotics, which need to be taken over a period between 6 to 9 months. The most common drugs used in the treatment of TB are:- Isoniazid
– Rifampin
– Ethambutol
– PyrazinamideAll prescribed medicines must be treated even if the person feels well before finishing all the medicine.
Prevention of TB
TB is preventable, but several steps can reduce the risk of contracting or spreading the disease: Get Tested
- Follow Treatment
- Ventilate Rooms
- Mouth and Nose Covering
One of the greatest health issues for humanity in today’s world is tuberculosis. If caught in the early stages, this would likely mean controlling, even ridding society, of tuberculosis altogether. Public enlightenment and screening accompanied by proper adherence to given drug therapies lower the level of epidemic for TB in populations with simultaneous individual benefits. In the event you feel that you could be affected by TB, do not wait any longer. Prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment adherence are the weapons in the fight against tuberculosis.