FMGE is around the corner, and the clock is ticking fast for FMGE December 2024.
All the preparation you have been doing in the past to ace the exam boils down to your performance on the exam day. Candidates should avoid these mistakes that could decrease their chances of getting success in the exam.
Lack of Sleep: It is often noticed that students tend to neglect sleep and try to push more on their FMGE Study Material a few days before the exam. Sleep deprivation can make it harder to focus, learn, remember, and recall. Moreover, mental tiredness slows the reaction time, and you are more likely to make mistakes. So make sure you sleep 7-8 hours daily to give your brain appropriate rest.
READING NEW TOPICS/MATERIAL JUST BEFORE THE EXAM: It has been observed that few students start reading new notes or material over revising their own, which leads to confusion, stress, and panic in the last crucial movements.
Make sure that you have completed your syllabus and taken an ample number of MCQs and grand tests from Nextillo. Stick to your study material and revise only that.
TIME DISORGANIZATION/RUSHING THROUGH THE QUESTIONS: Most candidates are stumped on seeing trick questions and spend too much time trying to figure it out. In the end, these students tend to rush to answer the question without reading it thoroughly as the time runs out. If you get stuck, just mark the particular question and try to do it in the end so you have time for the next questions. Remember, the clock is on the screen. Do not give more than 1 minute to each question in the first go. Read and understand the questions carefully and answer strategically.
SECOND GUESSING YOUR ANSWER: It is a very common scenario the majority of students face while taking the exam. They think they know the right answer but they fear that it could be wrong. This lack of confidence also stems from stress. You must know that trust and self-confidence play key roles. Think carefully and answer the question, do not change your answer unless and until you have a very strong reason to doubt about your first choice. Usually; the first choice is correct.
Not doing enough MCQ/GRAND TESTS: Doing MCQ and giving GTs are exhausting for the brain Due to this reason, some of the candidates tend to ignore these, resulting in a decrease in their marks or sometimes decreasing their chances of getting success in the exam
You must understand that the FMGE Exam is not only checking your knowledge about diseases or treatments. The exam is all about quick responses to situations/case scenarios, and time management. 1 Grand test/ 2 weeks is recommended by nextillo. Furthermore, after every topic, an MCQ should be done to ensure that one is aware of the type of question that can be asked.
- Learn time management and problem-solving techniques for solving the FMGE Exam question.
- Take feedback from experts on mock test results to understand the preparation gap.
- Do exercise regularly and stick to a healthy diet to stay fit and attentive on exam day.
- Make an FMGE Exam Day strategy and pack everything you need at the center the night before the exam.
- Double-check your alarm and arrive 30 to 45 minutes before time at the exam center.