Hernia Repair: Open Versus Laparoscopic Procedure

Firstly, you need to know about hernia. A hernia occurs when a tissue bulges through a weak spot in the muscle or connective tissue that normally holds it in place. Hernias can occur in various areas of the body, but the most common types occur in the groin or abdomen.…
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Diabetic Retinopathy Stages, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Diabetic Retinopathy is a serious eye disease caused by diabetes that can result in loss of vision and blindness. It is one of the most common topics asked in FMGE and NEET-PG Duration of diabetes is the most important risk factor. In 10 years, 20% of type 1 and 25% of…
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Common Retinal Diseases Every Medical Student Should Know

Common Retinal Diseases: Every Medical Student Should Know

The retina is the delicate tissue of the eye. Its main function is receiving the light and sending signals to the brain to be interpreted as images. Since the retina is very crucial in how we perceive the world, any disorder that affects it can heavily impair vision, sometimes leading…
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Essential Eye Disorders Every Medical Student Should Know

Essential Eye Disorders: Every Medical Student Should Know

Eyes are the most sesitive organs in our body and nature’s finest masterpiece.Its normal for your vision to change over your lifetime, although there can be some serious issues sometime that need immediate attention or care. There are some most common eye disorders that everyone should know about:  Refractive Errors…
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