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FMGE Exam Day Tips_ How to Stay Focused and Score High

FMGE Exam Day Tips: How to Stay Focused and Score High

If you are reading this, then I am sure by now you have completed your FMGE or are in the final stages of polishing it. You have done a lot of hard work and it’s not an easy task to go through 19 subjects and retain all that information. The information and knowledge you have are of such a profound magnitude that it can make a difference between life and death (I mean, literally).

If we look at the past year’s stats and success percentage, it is natural to feel anxious, and self-doubts start to creep in. The passing percentage is abysmally low, around 8–9%, and with the ever-evolving nature of FMGE exams, predicting a pattern and then preparing accordingly becomes difficult. “Will I be able to clear the exam, Will the questions be tricky or not, Will there be an easy or difficult paper, Will I be able to complete it in time, What if my weak areas are asked in the exam ” and other similar negative thoughts begin to originate in our cerebrum.

No matter how headstrong we are and how seasoned campaigner one is, such thoughts tend to take a toll on your performance on D-Day. In such circumstances, when our mind is in the doldrums, one question here or there, one silly mistake—it becomes a matter of another six months. But these 6 months are hard, agonizing, and excruciating. You see your peers moving forward with their professional and personal lives while you are still stuck in that same rut. 

FMGE Preparation 2024

Thus, it becomes of utmost importance that we are in the right head space on the day of examination. For this to happen, it is really important to keep FMGE Exam Day Tips in mind with utmost clarity:

Trust yourself: You have put in the hard work, and that hard work is not only to help you clear this exam but also to make you a better doctor. Remind yourself of your preparation efforts and capabilities, i.e., the books you have read, the FMGE lectures you have attended, the notes you have prepared, and the mocks you have taken, All these have prepared you well, so just have faith in yourself. 

Stay Calm: Remember Murphy’s law: “Things will go wrong in any given situation if you give them a chance.”. So don’t generate that chance by panicking or getting nervous, stay on top of your game. Take deep breaths before starting the exam, sip some water, and get on with it with a level head.

Sleep Well: It is of utmost importance that you get sufficient sleep before D-day. Sleep for at least 7 hours and wake up early in the morning. If you have not had enough sleep, you could feel drowsy and lethargic during the exam. This will prevent you from concentrating well.

Positive Reinforcement: The first thing that you have to do when you wake up, especially on D-Day, is to reassure yourself that it’s your day and you are going to ace this exam. Write it down in your diary (if you keep any).  Keep reassuring yourself, even when self-doubt tries to creep in. Our mind can be conditioned in any way that we like and it is of utmost importance that we stay positive, optimistic, and enthusiastic on that day.

Stay Energetic: Maintain a healthy supply of glucose for your brain so that your best buddy can perform to their fullest potential. Have a healthy breakfast in the morning, and during the 3-hour break, recharge and reenergize yourself to take on the final challenge. Avoid heavy, spicy food to prevent stomach issues and feelings of lethargy. Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. You can even take a power nap in between the exams to refresh yourself.

Be Alert: It is of utmost importance to be alert and sharp during the exam, as one silly mistake can cost us big time in such a high-stakes exam. Read all the instructions and questions carefully and thoroughly. This becomes very important when, due to the dynamic nature of FMGE, we are witnessing a lot of interlinked and application-based questions. Read the questions properly and check for any contradictions in the question statements. All questions carry equal marks, so do not spend too much time on any particular question unnecessarily, move on if you don’t know.

Take it Deep: It is not over until we say it’s over. Stay sharp and focused till the time you have attempted the 300th question. Don’t let the initial impression of the exam (hard or easy) overpower your logical thinking. No exam is tough or easy. It’s only the perception and impression that we build that classify it as easy or hard. While taking the exam, do not think about the questions that you have yet to attempt. Take it one question at a time. Finish one question and only then move on to the next. Focus on the question at hand rather than thinking about the others. This way, you can give all the answers to the best of your abilities. If you are seeking FMGE Exam coaching online, you can enroll in the Nextillo FMGE exam preparation program in 2024, which provides study materials, expert guidance, and comprehensive mentorship. 

Limit your interaction: Try to limit your interaction before and in between the exams, as you never know what mindset the other might have, and it does tend to have an impact on us as well. So keep it to yourself, limit your socialization, and stay focused like Arjun. You have gone there to clear FMGE, not to make friends and acquaintances, keep that clarity of goal in your head.

Pray: Make a prayer as per the religious belief you subscribe to. Visit a temple on the day of the FMG exam or the day before. Various studies have shown that reposing our faith in a higher cosmic power tends to have a calming effect and fill us with positivity and hope. Take blessings of your parents and elders.

Digital Shutoff: In this age of technology, it is difficult to stay away from e-gadgets and the constant chitter-chatter of social media. But on this particular day or even 2-3 days prior to the FMGE, it’ll be great to stay away from electronic devices and social media platforms in particular. It’ll not only give your eyes a much-needed rest but will also boost your cranial outcome.

Nextillo Wonder Test Series for FMGE

The last few hours of the FMG exam are critical. Stay focused, maintain a positive mindset, and believe in your hard work. Consistency, perseverance, and strategic planning are essential to cracking the FMGE. If you have a query about FMGE Exam Preparation, consult our Nextillo experts today and achieve your dream score! We offer comprehensive FMGE study materials, engaging quizzes, insightful video lectures, detailed notes, PYQs, and more

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